WavesTek Inc.

WavesTek Inc.

WavesTek is a small IT management company that has a set of very loyal clientele. WavesTek wants to maintain a good relationship with its clientele while improving their image as they develop the roster of their services.

The creation of WavesTek.com website was the first big project I undertook for them while creating the Brand Identity for their business engagements.

This strategy calls for keeping a healthy presence on all key occasions and reminding the clientele about how much they are appreciated along with what are the new tricks WavesTek can perform.

Below is the Gallery of some of the projects. Quite many of their projects were seasonal adornments for their website including the motion graphics.

Click Here to Watch the Motion Graphics

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American Friends of Bar-Ilan University

American Friends of Bar-Ilan University

American Friends of Bar-Ilan University keeps its community engaged. The community is comprised of Alumni, the diners and supporters – who often find themselves quite engaged.

The identity has made a shift to an improved Logo but remains true to its 75 year old history.

The shift in color made in the year 2019 – 2020 is depicted below.

The following gallery has a selection of the print graphics graphics created for AFBIU over the years.

Click Here to Watch Videos




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ACE Institute of Technology

ACE Institute of Technology

ACE Institute of Technology started out as Ace Training Center in late 1990s. It made its transition to ACE Computer Training Center in early 2000s with this Logo.

The process of deliberation went a bit round about to come back to the pyramid that the originators of the school had already been using. This pyramid was part of a Pyramid Chart that illustrated the concept pitch of ACE as how the courses were designed to elevate a students candidacy to be unrivaled in the job market. Below are some of the ideas that we batted away.

In those early days of this school, the company was not interested in the branding as much as attracting walk in traffic. Ads were going into the community News Papers and candidates were walking in with job opportunities on their minds. Here is one of the flyers they would find in the waiting room.

ACE’s marketing model remains the same but their success brought in a bit more budget and we were able to place ACE’s name into increasingly sophisticated venues. More flyers, more merchandise and an increased focus on expansion in both; the physical space and market visibility called for updating the “Look”. That was also the time when I took on the responsibility of ACE Brand from a leadership position and created majority of their brand assets and collateral.  Below is the improvement on their Brand Identity in late 2000s.

Even though, this improved brand identity was now in full swing – It was not that much of an improvement in company’s attitude towards branding and old model of trying to creep into the classified section of major newspapers was a good floating boat that no one wanted to rock. However, the business did expand and ACE now was a contender in the market. In early to mid 2010s ACE, due to its hard work and due diligence, was able to gain national accreditation. It was no longer a local computer training center but had earned the right to be ACE Institute of Technology. Now, it needed to look as such.

A re-Branding endeavor once again brought me into the leadership position and we were able to recreate the Identity of Ace Institute of Technology with its two prime locations, online presence and print collateral that was reaching Tri-State area. Below is the current logo.

Following is the gallery of initial sketches for the concept of ACE Institute of Technology.

Following is the gallery of some of the print collateral and assets that I created over the years.

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Print-Graphics Sample

Print-Graphics Sample

These are some of the graphics that were all successfully printed and distributed to the clients satisfaction.

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